Monday, October 12, 2009

Our Baby Story

Sorry it has taken me awhile to post our baby story but I've been a little pre-occupied! Just thought I'd share with friends and family the story of Kyler Isla Paige Larsen.

Thankfully my mom was able to come to Georgia to spend a few weeks with us prior to Kyler's arrival. We had more fun! We went on TONS of walks, had mani/pedi's, ate out a lot, and enjoyed our mother/daughter time. I have to say, my mom is my best friend. I hope and pray that Kyler and I have the bond that my mom and I share. But I don't know what I would have done if my mom wasn't here with me. She was everything I needed and more!

So Tuesday evening around 8pm, I began getting regular contractions coming. I knew it was time. I would have a contraction that would stop me in my tracks but then once it was over we were all laughing and joking! By midnight, my contractions were picking up every 3-5 minutes and bringing a little more intensity. So we headed to the hospital. I was admitted in the triage room until 2am. They finally had me go home and rest since I had remained at 2cm. However, they gave me a shot in my butt so that I could sleep through the contractions. FYI, the shot did nothing to me except make me say stupid things. I didn't sleep a wink and my contractions picked up a lot! By 5am we headed back to the hospital. This time they admitted me. They said they gave me a shot because if I was in true labor, the shot wouldn't work. Nice to know! Funny story, they asked me my pain level of the contractions and I said, "maybe 8!" Boy, I would later regret that because they were no where near an 8 by the time I experienced the REAL labor contractions! They asked if I wanted an epidural and I declined. Big mistake! By 8am they broke my water... that's when my pain level QUICKLY changed from an 8 to a 20!! I asked for the epidural but I had to wait until my IV had completed the bag! I was in a huge amount of pain for an hour and a half. MISERABLE!! Once my IV was complete they called for the epidural. Once that was administered, I went through a few more difficult contractions and then finally fell asleep. Awe! By 2pm I was at 6cm. The nurse told me that typically I would dilate 1cm per hour. So we figured by 6ish, Kyler would be making her appearance. By 2:45pm I felt the need to push already. I've learned that Andy is very textbook! Because when I asked him to go get the nurse because I was ready to push, he reassured me that I wasn't suppose to dilate but 1cm per hour! At that point, I finally said, "shut up and get the nurse now!!!" Haha! Sure enough I was at 9.5cm.

By 3:03pm, Kyler Isla Paige Larsen was in my arms! She weighed 7lbs, 7oz and was 21 inches long. She was absolutely beautiful! She had a full head of hair that was just gorgeous. It was dark brown with blonde highlights. Her eyes are a midnight blue. At first we thought she looked like Andy but actually she looks identical to me when I was a baby. We have compared baby pictures and we look like we could be twins.

Now that 12 days have past, she does have Andy's eyes but still resembles me quite a bit. She has a perfect combination of both of us and has now just become Kyler! She is such a good baby. She hardly cries unless she's hungry. She sleeps often and loves to sing songs when sleeping. It's soooo cute. Other than that, she loves when daddy and me hold her so she can just stare at us. We now feel complete as a man and women. She is the best thing that has ever happened to us and we thank God every day for her!